@Original Author: 한국 은 웃음 을 좋아한다
여기서 우리는 당신에게 가장 멋진 한국 사랑 코미디 영화를 보여줍니다.로맨틱한 연애 이야기부터 코믹한 코믹한 순간까지 한국에서 가장 인기 있는 로맨틱 코미디 영화를 엄선해 독특한 문화적 매력과 유머 감각을 선보였다.달콤한 러브스토리를 찾든 활짝 웃고 싶은 코믹한 장면을 찾든 우리 채널은 당신의 요구를 충족시킬 수 있습니다.우리와 함께 한국의 낭만과 유머를 탐험하고, 웃음과 사랑이 가득한 모든 순간을 즐깁니다!
Dancing Queen
Has an ordinary lawyer become the mayor of the capital city? Has a housewife become a hot singer? This is not sensational tabloid gossip, but something that actually happened in a family in South Korea. Zheng Hua (played by Yan Zheng Hua), who was once known as the “Madonna”, has now married a woman, but the desire to dance in her heart has never stopped. Coincidentally, there was an opportunity to debut as a singer at this time, and Zhenghua wanted to seize it and realize her dream that she had once shelved. Unfortunately, as a lawyer, her husband Zhengmin (played by Huang Zhengmin) told Zhenghua that he was going to participate in the Seoul mayoral election. This made Zheng Hua, who was full of enthusiasm, feel like she had been poured with a bucket of cold water. On one hand, she wanted to maintain her husband’s image, and on the other hand, she wanted to pursue her own dreams. How should she choose. Dreams and struggles are not related to age, let’s take a look at how this couple has changed themselves.
一個普通的律師竟然成為了京城的市長?家庭主婦成為炙手可熱的歌手?這不是聳人聽聞的小報八卦,而是真實發生在韓國一個家庭的事。曾有「麥當娜」之稱的正華(嚴正華 飾)如今已娶妻生子,但心中對舞蹈的渴望卻從未停止。巧合的是,此時有一個以歌手身份出道的機會,正花想要抓住它,實現自己曾經擱置的夢想。不幸的是,身為律師的丈夫正民(黃正民 飾)告訴正華,自己要參加首爾市長選舉。這讓原本滿腔熱情的鄭華感覺自己被澆了一桶冷水。一方面,她想維護丈夫的形象,另一方面,她想追求自己的夢想。她該如何選擇。夢想和奮鬥與年齡無關,讓我們來看看這對夫妻是如何改變自己的。