@Original Author: Comedy Romance
-anyfans※※A media company dedicated to comedy and romance films
生活大爆炸 第一季
“””Leonard (Johnny Galecki) and Sheldon (Jim Parsons) are a pair of crazy scientists otakus with more than 360 IQ. Their scientists and friends also have romantic Wolowitz (Simon Helberg) and Indians who never speak to women. Essence
Recently, the scientist otaku moved to a beautiful drama writer and restaurant to entertain, Penny (Kaley Cuoco). The otaku began to move, so many ridiculous stories “”exploded”” among several friends. “””
“Leonard(Johnny Galecki 飾)和Sheldon(Jim Parsons 飾)是一對合起來智商超過360的瘋狂科學家宅男。他們的科學家朋友還有風流的Wolowitz(Simon Helberg 飾)和從來不和女人說話的印度人。
最近,科學家宅男的對門搬來一個美女劇作家兼餐廳招待,Penny(Kaley Cuoco 飾)。宅男開始蠢蠢欲動了,於是諸多啼笑皆非的故事在幾個朋友間“爆炸”開來”